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Kamenica nad Cirochou

Actual position Village Kamenica nad Cirochou
 Attraction highlighting:  Roman-catholic church, Castle from 18.Century
Kamenica nad Cirochou-

The first written mention about village is from the year 1317 when the king Karl Robert donated it together with other villages to the Earls Drughet for their loyal services. The last owner of the village was the Earl Gejza Andrassy.
It is situated between the districts Humenné and Snina, 8km to the east of the district town. In the south above the village there is the Vihorlat mountain, from the north flows the Cirocha river. Through the middle flows the Kamenica brook which takes water from the northern slopes of the Vihorlat to the Cirocha.
In the year 1933 the State Administration took large forest and field territories from the former Earl Gejza Andrassy and in the village was founded an independent Administration of military forest companies which is connected with construction of a saw-mill existing to present-day. Wood for this saw-mill was transported by a narrow-gauge railway.
In the village there was built a military camp airport used by the Slovak national aeroclub. This club organises the airdays in July with an opportunity of view flights.
Kamenica nad Cirochou-Castle from 18.Century
Castle from 18.Century
There is a seat of an agricultural cooperative.
Points of interest, remarkables and rarities:
Village has its own coat-of-arms created according to seal from the 19th century. Coat-of-arms of the village is composed of: in white field of this shield two green trees with brown trunk growing out from a green soil on both sides, in the middle of the field there are two parts of plough of black colour, located opposite each other in vertical position.
To the cultural monuments belong the Monastery from the 18th century, the Roman-Catholic Church from 1782, in the middle of the village the Monument for dead soldiers during the World War II., protected trees - a sycamore in a park and a lime-tree near the Church.
1 km to the south of the village there is the Children´s camp Lesík where you can be accomodated - eighty places, all-day catering with walking-tours into surrounding nature and in the winter time is a ski-lift in operation.
Refreshment and restaurants: Pod Orechom, Emilly, Dama, Drienova pub. In the village there is a private bakery baking cakes which is famous all over the neighbourhood.

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E-mail address of the Village:

         phone: 00421-903447629, 00421-650340155
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