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Nová Vieska

Actual position Village Nová Vieska
 Attraction highlighting:  Nature Reserves.
Nová Vieska-Calvinist church in Nová Vieska
Calvinist church in Nová Vieska
The village is situated in the middle of the district of Nové Zámky. Main road from Nové Zámky to Štúrovo provides for good bus and railway connection.
The first written record about Nová Vieska dates back to 1233 and since that time the village has gone through many changes. The village dwellers experienced the most cruel times being under the sovereignty of Turks. The village gained freedom in 1700.
Today Nová Vieska is nice and well-organized agricultural and vineyard village comprising settlements of Arad and Réva. Great experience for everybody will be a walk through the vineyards on the slopes offering a beautiful view at Dunaj or a visit of stone wine-cellars from 19th and 20th century, but above all tasting of fine vine of Nová Vieska. People maintain the tradion of Vintage festival up to the present day. Just like the old days: in september, when stum is turning into young wine, a ceremonial procession passes the village accompanied by music, singing and dancing. There are three folklore groups in the village which together with folklore groups from other villages and from Hungary as well participate in Village Festival and perform in the local amphitheatre. People are attracted by local specialities, too- great kettle goulash, tasty wedding cake baked in this village only and wine that has already become golden potion.
Nová Vieska offers many other opportunities as well. Visitors should visit Calvinist church that is believed to be built from stones of Turkish mosque and this mosque had been built from medieval Christian church. Another religious building is evangelistic bell tower.
In the Town hall from 19th century which is the second oldest building after the church you can find original furniture, clothes and many documents about life of the village dwellers in 19th and 20th century. There is also a memorial room of Calvinist churchman Lajos Gulyás who was born in Nová Vieska and executed for incidents in Hungary.
Great part of the village is covered by protected areas: National Nature Reserve Parížske močiare (Paris swamps), alluvium of the river Paríž (Paris) covered with cane, and Drieňová hora (Cornelian Cherry Mountain) with precious fauna and flora such as protected plants Cornelian cherry or Barb of St. Ivan.
Near Nová Vieska there is town Štúrovo with thermal swimming pool and frontier crossing Štúrovo-Ostrihom. You can have a comfortable walk across Most Márie Valérie (Maria Valeria Bridge) that leads into Hungary and you can visit beautiful Ostrihom cathedral.

Nová Vieska-       
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