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Petrova Lehota

Actual position Village Petrova Lehota
 Attraction highlighting:  beautiful hilly nature, location near to the spa Trenčianske Teplice
‘The only thing I believe in is God,
just as I believe that village Petrova Lehota will never be gone.’
The submontane village is situated in south-western part of mountain range called Strážovské vrchy, in the valley of Petrovka river. The village is located far from the busy main road between Trenčianske Teplice and Bánovce nad Bebravou. The village is surrounded by beautiful hilly nature, world known spa and other attractive tourist destinations. All these things make this peaceful village very attractive for visitors and tourists. The land area lies in altitude from 300 MSL to 600 MSL.
The first written record comes from 1346 as terra Petri – Peter’s land and it was established by Peter from Diviaky. Older history is represented by archaeological locality of medieval fortress. The village was established at the part of village Motešice owned by squire Motešický, later by other owners. People were working at fields and pastures and they were bringing the surfeit to the markets in Trenčín and Bánovce. In 20th century Petrova Lehota was temporarily united with Motešice, but in 1995 it became independent by referendum.
The most important architectonic monument of the village is Classicist Roman-Catholic church of St. Michal from 1794 which stands instead of the old church. Thanks to the village dwellers it was continuously modified, especially at the end of 20th century. Stone cave with statue of Virgin Mary commemorating famous Lourdes is very attractive for visitors, too. There are several houses bearing original construction features, they are mostly restored and populated by cottagers. Visitors have great opportunities for trips all around the village. 6 km far there are Trenčianske Teplice – world famous spa with many possibilities for fun – spa park, sports fields, lake. 3 km southwards in Motešice you can see precious early Gothic Roman-Catholic church (beginning of the 14th century) and two mansions. In the village there is a famous stud farm where you can try horse-riding. Little further southwards in Bobot you can find early Gothic church from 13th century.
There are many possibilities for not demanding tourists as well such as forests, meadows and pastures around Petrova Lehota. There are many forest fruits, mushrooms and medicinal herbs. People preferring mountain tourism can climb surrounding hills. Klepáč (575 MSL) offers a beautiful view of Považie and Biele Karpaty. From Machnáč (569 MSL) there leads a road to the village bearing the same name. Another interesting trip offers us nature reserve Omšenianska Baba. In winter you can visit ski area Buclovky.
Services in Petrova Lehota: shop with miscellaneous articles, tavern, maintenance and repair of motor vehicles, library.

Túžite po chate v krásnom prostredí?
Želanie si môžete splniť. Obecný úrad v Petrovej Lehote (okres Trenčín) povolil na základe schváleného Územného plánu výstavbu chát a víkendových budov vo svojom chotári pre jednotlivých súkromníkov.
Záujemci informácie získajú na Obecnom úrade u starostky p. Anny Kiššovej.
tel.:       032/659 42 33

Obecný úrad ponúka na prenájom Kultúrny dom s kapacitou 90 miest. Objekt so sanitárnym ztariadením, kuchyňou, spoločenskou miestnosťou s javiskom je v dobrom stave.
Záujemci sa môžu obrátiť na starostku Obecného úradu p. Annu Kiššovú o všetky ďalšie informácie, vrátane ekonomických podmienok.
tel.:       032/659 42 33
Petrova Lehota-       
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         phone: 00421-903447629, 00421-650340155
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