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 Attraction highlighting: Roman military camp Leányvár

The village of Iža is located in the southern part of Slovakia and is about 7 km from Komárno. The earliest written reference of Iža dates from 1268.

The area of the village became a valuable source of archaeological findings dating from Roman times. These findings give an interesting insight into Roman culture and the way of living in those days. Over the past years, this area attracted many archaeologists who have worked hard to finally uncover the base of an old fort called Leányvár. Built in the 1st century AD, Leányvár was a part of the protection system of Limes Romanus built by the Romans on the left bank of Danube river.

Later historical documents indicate that Mr Gašpar Somogy was the feudal head of the village and sold his part of Iža to Mr Michal Novák in the second half of 16th century.

Over 150 years of Turkish invasion, Iža became almost deserted. New settlements were reestablished in the late 17th century.

A few earthquakes in the 18th century had a really bad effect on the life in the village (between 1763 - 1773). Further natural catastrophes such as fires and floods have also added to the list of disasters the village has experienced. The worst ever flooding in the history of Iža dates to 1965 when water destroyed 267 houses and further 199 houses were badly damaged.

Danube, Roman military camp Leányvár, Monument of II.World War

Points of interest, remarkables and rarities

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Famous natives:
  • Dr. János Tóth Kurucs - was a secondary school teacher who was very interested in history and devoted lots of his time and effort to the archaeological work in Leányvár.
  • Károly Dome - born in Bratislava but served as a priest in Iža. He also established a charity for poor children. The local primary school carries his name in its title.
  • Károly Jánoky - he was Roman catholic priest in the village. He is buried in Iža.


Present life of Iža:

Nowadays, Iža is a modern village with all its major infrastructure built. For the convenience of local people and visitors, there are:
  • Small variety of local shops
  • Village health center and pharmacy
  • Fire station
  • Kindergarten and primary school
  • Local television studio built in 1996 after cable television was installed in the village in 1992
  • Ecologically friendly waste station built in 1994 by a French investor
  • Youth club
  • Sport center
  • Village library
  • Social club
Cultural life of the village:

Village life is closely connected to organizing traditional cultural and sporting events such as:
  • Day for Children
  • Friendship Bridge Festival
  • Festival for Retired People
  • Christmas for Everyone
  • Horse Riding Day
There are several historical and religious buildings:
  • Roman Catholic Church of Archangel Michael - built in 16th century
  • Roman Catholic Parsonage - the oldest building in the village, located in the village center
  • Calvin Church - built in 1871
  • Memorial for those who died in the 1st World War - situated by the Calvin Church
  • Memorial for those who died in the 2nd World War - situated in the village churchyard
  • Statue of Ján Nepomucký
  • Memorial commemorating the bad flood in 1965
  • Memorial column of Friendship Bridge - erected in 1997
Places of interest in Iža:
  • Roman Soldiers Camp - tourist information given in 3 languages (including English)
  • Artesian Well
  • Millenium monument

Translation: Bendíková

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