Friday, 07 March 2025
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 Attraction highlighting: Evangelical church, Myjavan folklore

Town Myjava is the centre of a typical secluded place stretching out on the Myjavská hilly country which forms border between Slovakia and Moravia. Myjava as village was founded in 1586. Its first colonization formed inhabitants from southern parts of Slovakia who were running away before the Turks and the following colonization the so-called Valachian colonization wave formed inhabitants from the Trenčín and Orava country.

Evangelical church
Evangelical church

Daniel Karman helped to build the oldest and nowadays preserved building - a former evangelical church from 1711. In the year 1785 was constructed a new evangelical church and in the year 1856 was built a tower - the dominant of Myjava then and now. On September 19, 1848 was declared on an public meeting and to people afirmed the Slovak National Council as the representative of political and military power of Slovakia as the first national authority in the Slovak history.

Points of interest, remarkables and rarities

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Decline of handicrafts at the end of the 19th century connected with national and economical oppression, was demonstrated by emmigration in the USA, partially in Canada and Argentina. The Myjava's inhabitants settled down in big cities like New York, Chicago, Clevelend, also in small towns on the eastern coast in the states New York and Pennsylvania, also in North Dakota and Texas. But the biggest centre of emigrants has become a small town Little Falls in the state New York.

swimming pool  sky-possibilities
sport possibilities

A new chapter of history of Myjava was the launch of production of armatures in the Tauš company, later Slovenská armatúrka.
Myjava offers its citizens and visitors many sport experiences in many modern objects built for summer and winter sports, also recreational-cultural rear which provides Stará Myjava and a natural amphitheatre in Trnovce - a place of many important folk feasts. Myjava and its surrounding region of lonely houses that is also an important ethnographic locality with its own folk culture and folk traditions now presented by folk groups Kopaničiar and Kýčer from Turá Lúka nowadays belonging to Myjava.
Folklore fiest in Myjava

For those who want to know this country presented in many works of writer Zuzka Zguriška and painter Štefan Bednár, the Myjava hilly country offers a lot of tourist pathes leading to the White and Little Carpathians - to Javorina, Požana, Bradlo or to the old Čachtický castle or to Branč and enriched with views of picturesque forests, hills, valleys, lonely houses which form an inherent part of Myjava.

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Translation: Hošková

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