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Banska Bystrica - the castle was built as a town acropolis in 14th century on the site of an older settlement. The Roman centre of the church was renovated in the gothic style in 14th and 15th century when the castle's construction was completely finished. After the fire in 18th century, the castle was rebuilt in the baroque style.

Biely kamen (Svaty Jur) - the castle was built in 13th century. The original owners of this castle were earls from Svaty Jur. The castle had a small courtyard which does not exist anymore but original parts of walls have been conserved. The invasion of the castle by Turks in 1663 destroyed the castle.

Beckov - is one of the oldest castles in Slovakia known as guard castle and king's castle. It belonged to Matus Cak Trenciansky in 14th century but he donated it to King Stibor of Stiborice in 1388. King Stibor rebuilt the castle to a luxurious residence. The great fire in 1729 destroyed the castle.

Blatnica - the castle was owned by Mr Donca of Zvolen in 14th century. In the 15th century, it belonged to Mr Komorovsky and Mr Zapolsky. Since 1540 it has been in the ownership of the Revai family. This gothic castle was rebuilt and renovated number of times and in 1742 it was ruined completely.

Blh (Velky Blh) - the castle was built in 13th century. In 1323 it was renovated in the gothic style and in 1483 it was extended and fortifications were added. It played an important role at the times of Turkish invasion. It was destroyed in 18th century.

Bojnicky castle (Bojnice) - it was an important guard's castle in the region of Ponitrie and Turiec in 12th century. Originally, it was a king's castle. In the 15th century it was owned by the Norfriov family, Turzov and Palfy. It was rebuilt in the gothic style at the beginning of 20th century and it has retained its style up to the present days.

Borsa - originally, the castle was built in gothic style in the 16th century and was rebuilt into a manor house. Frantisek Rakoci II. was born here. The castle was renovated at the beginning of 20th century.

Branc (Podbranč) - this Middle Ages guard's castle is situated by the Moravian path and is dated to 13th century. The Czech King Jan Luxemburg owned the castle from 1322 and donated it to Stibor from Beckov in 1394. The castle was owned by a few owners and has been desolate since 17th century.

Bratislavsky castle (Bratislava) - it was built during the time of the Great Moravian Empire. It was a king's castle since 11th century. After its gothic renovation in 14th and 15th century and further modernisation in 17th and 18th century, it became the czar's residence. The ruins of the castle were rebuilt into the present shape during the past decades.

Brekov - it dates to 13th century and belonged to the set of guard's castles. It was owned by family of Zapolsky which reconstructed this castle. In 1644, it was attacked by the family of Rakoci and almost completely destroyed.

Breznica (Tekovska Breznica) - it was built after the times of Tatar's attacks. It was reconstructed in 1423 and owned by Mr Juskia in 1441. Later on, in 1471, it was owned by the army of Polish King Kazimir and in 1472 the property was owned by Mater Korvin. It was destroyed in 1711 after a huge general demolition of castles.

Brezovica - originally, it was a gothic castle, it has almost not ceased to exist. The first reference to it dates back to 1813.

Budatinsky castle (Zilina) - the castle was built on the site of another ruined castle with an early gothic tower dating from mid 13th century. A new fort was built in 17th century but the original tower is still higher than other parts of the castle.

Bzovik - it was built to fight off the threats of strong Turkish invasions. The base consists of a monastery and church dating back to 12th century. In 1526, Zigmund Barbarossa turned all monks out and the monastery became a military hostel. The castle was returned to the parish in 17th century.

Cabrad (Cabradsky Vrbovok) - the earliest reference dates to 12th century. It was situated on the steep hill and blocked the access to the mining towns. In 1520, it was an important defence point against Turkish attack. In 16th century, the fortress was rebuilt into a big residence. After the family of Kohare moved to Antol, Cabrad became steadily a ruin.

Cachticky castle (Cachtice) - it was built in 13th century. Originally, it was a palace with a tower which had the shape of a horseshoe. Gradually, a few other parts were built and the castle was extended. After 1392, the castle changed hands very often. The most known owner was Mrs Alzbeta Batoriova who was executed in 1611 because she killed a few young women. After 1715, the castle burnt out and was badly destroyed.

Cerveny Kamen (Casta) - this Middle Ages castle dates to 13th century. After it was bought by a rich family of Fugger in the 16th century, it was completely renovated. It was owned by family of Pallfy until 1945. At present, it is being renovated.

Cicava (Sedliska) - the earliest reference dates to 1270. It was an important small guard's fortress at the Polish Gate. It was owned by a family of Druget in 1527 and became the archives of the Zemplin region. In 1684, it was invaded by Tokoli's army and finally destroyed in 1711 by the czar's army.

Cierny castle (Zlatna) - the ruins of this castle dates from the 14th century. It had a round tower on the southern part and big courtyard with a nice palace. Since 13th century, it has been desolated.

Devin - the castle with a rich historical background and known during the era of Celts and Romans. After the Great Moravian Empire's extinction, the stone castle was erected and a huge guard's tower was built in 14th century. It was gradually growing in 16th century and had a few different owners. It was destroyed by Napoleon's army in 1809 and slowly became a ruin.

Divin - it dates from the 14th century. It is a typical example of a Middle Age gothic architecture. It was owned by a family of Balasovsky in 16th century. It had an important role in the defence against Turkish invasion in 1559. Unfortunately, it was captured by Beg Hassan who built his own defence seat there. The czar got it back in 1602. The family of Balasovsky owned it in the 17th century again but after they moved to a newly built manor house, the castle become a ruin.

Dobra Niva (Podzamcok) - it dates from the 13th century as a guard's castle built by a nearby business route. It was a seat of King until the 16th century. In 1306 it was owned by Matus Cak Trenciansky. Its later owners did not care about the castle so much and since 18th century it is a ruin.

Dobra Voda - this stone castle was an important king's property in the 14th century. This Middle Ages castle is located on the steep rock in the Low Carpatians. It was destroyed by a fire in 1762.

Driecansky castle - the first reference dates to 1297. It was isolated and uninhabited since 16th century and gradually desolated. At present, it is only a ruin.

Filakovsky castle (Filakovo) - it was built after Tartar's invasion and was an important guard's castle by river Ipla and Gemer region. It was extended by its owners, family of Bebek, in the 16th century and captured by Turks later on. After the fire in the 17th century, it was renovated but was again ruined in the late 17th century.

Gymes (Jelenec) - it was built on the southern part of Tribec mountains. The core of the castle dates from 1265 and consisted of two towers, palace and fortifications. It was owned by the family of Forgach since 14th century and it remained their property until 1945. Even though the castle was captured and destroyed by Turks, it was reconstructed later on.

Hajnacka - a typical feudal castle which had a few different owners, especially in the 14th century. The original fortifications dates to the 15th century when further fifteen villages belonged to this castle. It was captured by Turks in 1945 and after the Furks left, it was rebuilt into fortress in the shape of cone.

Hlohovsky castle (Hlohovec) - the first reference dates to the 10th century. In the 17th century, it was rebuilt into a manor house.

Hodejov - it is a ruin of the Middle Ages castle. It was captured by Jiskra's army in 1441-45 and destroyed by Turks in 1574.

Holumnicky castle (Holumnica) - it dates from the 15th century. It was built as a manor house of a square shape without towers. It was also renovated a few times and expired in 18th century.

Hradisko (Terna) - it is a ruin of early feudal castle which walls have almost disappeared under the grounds.

Hricov (Hricovske Podhradie) - the first reference dates from the 13th century. It was originally a property of bishop of Nitra but became the King's property in the 14th century. Its further owners were: the family of Podmanickovci, Jan Zapolsky and Juraj Turzo. It has slowly fallen into a desolated state from the 17th century. Its present shape dates from the 15th century.

Hrusov (Hostie) - it was a guard's castle built nearby the business route. It is situated in the Skycovska valley, on the north from Topolcianky. This gothic castle dating from the 13th century was gradually extended. It belonged to Rakoci family and was destroyed in 1708.

Jasenov (Jasenov) - it is a gothic castle dating from the 14th century. Originally, the castle had a square tower and was extended when the fortifications were built for its own defence. It was a place where forged money was issued by the family of Drugetovci. It was captured and destroyed by Rakoci's army in 1644.

Jasov - it was situated on the north-eastern platform above the river Bodva. It should guarantee the protection of Jasovsky manor house first but when the manor house was extended and fortifications were built, the meaning of the castle weakened and today there are only a few parts on original walls left.

Kamenica (Kamenica nad Cirochou) - the castle was built after the Tatar's invasion in 1246. It was a property of the family of Tarcaiovci. Despite of its good defence position and mechanism, it was captured and pulled down by czar's army in 1557.

Kopla (Sirkovce) - this Middle Ages castle dates from the 13th century. It was captured in the 15th century and owned by a few different owners during the 16th century. Since the 17th century, it was isolated.

Kapusiansky castle (Kapusany) - it was built on the site of an older castle dating from the 13th century. After the battle of Matus Cak Trenciansky against Karol Robert, it was demolished. The family of Kapiovci owned the castle in the 15th century, they renovated it and built a strong fortifications. The family owned the castle until the 18th century when it was pulled down.

Kezmarsky castle (Kezmarok) - originally, it was a gothic castle located on the site of an old manor house. At present, only the square tower and parts of walls remain. It was reconstructed in a renaissance style. In the 15th century, it was a property of two powerful families - Zapolsky and Tokoli.

Korlatka (Cerova) - this castle was built as a guard's castle on the Czech path in the 13th century. The original castle had a tower and palace and it also played an important role in the times of battles between Karol Robert and Matus Cak Trenciansky. The eastern parts were built in the 16th century. It has been ruin since 18th century.

Kralovsky Chlmec - the castle was built by Peter Pereni in 1414. It was renovated and rebuilt in the 16th century. At present the cellars of this castle are used as storage spaces.

Krasna Horka (Krasnohorske Podhradie) - this gothic castle was built in 1318. Its main purpose was to protect rich mines and it was also an important castle on the way to the Spis region. The castle was owned the Bebek family and it became their main residence. After 1441 Jan Jiskra owned it and after 1556 it became the king's castle. In 1588 Peter Andrasi inherited it. The mausoleum is situated close to the castle.

Kremnica (Kremnica) - the castle was built to protect the golden mines after 1328. It is a town castle with a central tower. Many of the town's buildings were situated within the area of the castle and its fortifications. The Church of St. Katarina was built in the centre of the castle courtyard in the 15th century.

Lednica - it was the king's castle situated in the border area in the 13th century. The castle was owned by Czech knight Bielek of Konica in the 15th century and by followers of Jan Hus from 1432 until 1434. Later on it was a seat of two knights - Podmanicky and Telekesi and in the 17th century it was owned by Juraj Rakoci. A fire in the 18th century destroyed the castle completely.

Levicky castle (Levice) - this gothic castle was built at the beginning of 13th century. As a guard's castle, it was an important starting point to get to mining towns in central Slovakia. In the 15th century, it belonged to the defence system of 15 castles which were built to stop Turkish invasions. The central parts of the castle were destroyed by Rakoci's army in 1709.

Lietava - Lietava castle is one of the biggest castles in Slovakia. The original parts of this castle were destroyed by Tatars and in the 13th century it was rebuilt and became a property of a rich family which owned 25 nearby villages. The style of the castle has been changed number of times. The last changes in its appearance were made by two families - Zapolskovci and Turzovci. The castle was desolated in the 17th century.

Likava (Likavka) - the castle belonged to Mr Donca of Zvolen in the 14th century. It changed hands many times and became a property of Jan Hus's followers, Jiskra's army, Mr Komolovsky as well as Mr Zapolsky. It was extended when Mr Pekri owned the castle. For a certain period of time, it was a residence of Liptov county. It was destroyed in the 18th century.

Liptovsky Hradok (Liptovsky Hradok) - this guard's castle was built in the 13th century. It was conquered by Jan Hus's followers in 1431 and later on by Jiskra's army and Captain Komorovsky. Matej Korvin donated the castle to the family of Zapolsky in 1472. It belonged to Turza's family in the 16th century. In 1604 it was extended and some new parts of the castle were built.

Liptovsky castle (Liptovska Sielnica) - the castle was built in the 13th century on the grounds of the old Slavic castle. Its strategic position is very significant because it was supposed to protect the area of two counties - Orava and Liptov as well as part of Polish border.

Lubovniansky castle (Stara Lubovna) - the castle was built in 1280. Matus Cak Trenciansky owned it at the beginning of the 14th century. The oldest part of the castle is the circular tower connected to the palace. The second palace dates from 14th century. A vast amount of reconstruction of the castle was carried in the 17th century when the new chapel was built and the castle got its typical renaissance image. In 1882 the castle was bought by Earl Zamojsky.

Lupciansky castle (Slovenska Lupca) - this king's castle was built in 1255. It was captured by Jiskra's army in the 15th century. This Middle Age castle still remains part of the central construction of the castle as it is today. It was renovated in the 17th century. It was one of a few castles which were still inhabited and used during 19th century.

Koseca (Kosecke Podhradie) - this Middle Age castle was built in the 13th century and renovated in the 14th and 15th century. Unfortunately, it was destroyed in the 17th century and only a few parts still exist.

Kosicky castle (Kosice) - at present we can see only a ruin of this castle which is situated north of the town of Hradovo. The castle was built after Tatar's invasion. It belonged to Arpad's dynasty first but was later owned by some of the feudal hierarchy. In 1430, it was donated to Kosice and unfortunately destroyed later on.

Markusovsky castle (Markusovce) - this stone castle was built in 1248. It was renovated at the end of 15th century and beginning of 16th century and became a well protected fortress. In 1527 it was attacked by Levoca's army and a fire destroyed it completely. Even though it was renovated after the fire, it did not serve its main purpose - being a fortress - any more. A school was established there in 1567 and it existed until 1673. The family of Marias lived here but allowed the castle to fall into ruins from 1643 when they built a new manor house and moved there.

Modre Pole (Stropkov) - this Middle Age castle was built on the grounds of an older castle from the 14th century. It had belonged to the Pereni family since 1408 and was renovated a few times during their era. The castle was desolated in the 15th century.

Modry Kamen - this stone castle was built in 13th century. A new castle was erected and attached to the original one in the 15th century but Turks captured it in 1576. During the times of Rakoci's battles, the castle was badly damaged. Almost during the whole time of its existence it belonged to the family of Balas which extended the castle and built a new renaissance manor house on the same grounds.

Muran (Revuca) - this gothic castle dates from 13th century. It belonged to the family of Bebek in the 15th century and was extended during their era. New fortifications were built to support the castle too. In the mid 15th century it was a important strategic centre of Jiskra's army. For a certain period of time it was owned by Mr Veseleni. The emperor donated castle to two families - Kohariovci and Coburgovci.

Nitriansky castle (Nitra) - it dates from 9th century (the Great Moravian Empire's era). It was a county castle in the 11th century and since 12th century it became a bishop's residence. In 1432, it was inhabited by Jan Hus's followers and by Turks in the 17th century. Nitra is known as the town where the first Christian temple in Slovakia was built in 833. A huge gothic cathedral and palace was built in the 14th century and destroyed by fire in 1557.

Novy castle (Hanigovce) - this ruin in the Cergov mountains was a typical example of a Middle Age castle. It has a square tower, palace and chapel and was built in 1342 on the grounds of the old castle. It was inhabited by a group called Bratrici in the 15th century and destroyed by fire in 1557.

Oponicky castle (Oponice) - the castle was built as a king's castle in the 13th century. Matus Cak Trenciansky owned it in 1300 and after his death it was donated to Mikulas Gutkelet. The family of Apponi renovated the castle in renaissance style. At present the castle is desolate.

Oravsky castle (Oravsky Podzamok) - this stone castle dates from 13th century. Originally, it was king's castle but later it became the castle of Orava's county. It was captured by Jiskra's army and Mr Komorovsky, Jan of Dubova and Mikulas Kostka in 16th century.

Ostry Kamen (Bukova) - this castle was built as a guard's castle on the important business route. Since 1366 it was king's property and in 1394 Zigmund Luxemburgsky donated the castle and the villages around the castle to Stibor. It was desolated since 18th century.

Ozdin - this ruin dates from mid 13th century (1279). It was owned by Jiskra's army in 15th century and was forlorn since 17th century.

Pajstun (Borinka) - this castle is a part of defensive system in the area of western Carpatian mountains. It dates from 14th century and belonged to the Lords from Pezinok and Svaty Jur. It was owned by the family of Palffy since 1592. In 1810 it was invaded and destroyed by Napoleon's army.

Paric (Trebisov) - the castle dates from 13th century. It was rebuilt in the gothic style in the 14th and 15th century and was uninhabited since 1686.

Plavecky castle (Plavecke Podhradie) - the castle was built in 1296 as a part of defence system of the area. In 1398 the king donated it to Stibor. Later on, it had a few different owners and in the 17th century Ferdinand donated it to the family of Palffy. The present ruin consists of a four-sided tower and palace.

Plavec - this small stone castle was built in 1294. It changed hands many times. In 1449 Hus's army captured the castle. It was rebuilt in 1830.

Povazsky castle (Povazska Bystrica) - this king's castle dates from 13th century. It belonged to the family of Podmanickovci in 15th century. After the great fire in 1543 it was rebuilt and a new fortification system was erected and attached to the four-sided gothic tower and palace. It was owned by Tokoli in the 17th century and was completely destroyed in 1698.

Pusty castle (Zvolen) - this gothic castle originally consisted of a tower, palace and fortifications. It lost its importance when Zvolensky castle was built. Pusty castle became uninhabited in 1602.

Reviste (Zarnovica) - the castle was built in 1352. Together with the castle in Sasov their main purpose was to watch the movements of people over the river Hron. In the 15th century the castle was owned by Jiskra, king Kazimir and family of Bockai. The castle was badly damaged at the Tokoli's rebellion.

Sklabina (Sklabinsky Podzamok) - since the mid 13th century it was a residence of Lords from Zvolen and county of Turiec. Zigmund rebuilt the castle in the 15th century and the Zapolsky family extended it and built new fortifications. In 1610 Revais' family renovated the castle again. The castle was badly damaged by fire in 1944 during the Second World War.

Slanec - this Middle Age castle dates from 13th century. It was captured by Hus's army in the 15th century. In 1480 it was completely renovated but shortly after that, it was destroyed by fire. The central tower was used as the family museum of Forgach until 1945.

Sitno (Ilija) - the stone remains of this Middle Age castle still show the significance and size of the castle. The historical references mentioned the castle in 1548 when it was besieged by the king's army. In 1703 it was inhabited by group of Kuruci who later destroyed and desolated the castle.

Sivy Kamen (Podhradie) - it dates from 14th century and belonged to the king. The castle was managed from the town of Bojnice. The castle also belonged to the Majteni family since 1434. The original gothic castle was renovated in the 16th century and destroyed in the 18th century.

Smolenicky castle (Smolenice) - it dates from 14th century. The purpose of this castle was to keep watch over the Carpatian pass. In the 15th century it became the king's castle. Originally, it was a gothic castle which was rebuilt in the last century in a very luxurious style. The present appearance of the castle dates to the beginning of the 20th century and was carried out by the Palffy family.

Spissky castle (Zehra, Spišské Podhradie) - is one of the biggest castles in Slovakia. The earliest reference dates to the 12th century when it was a king's guard castle. In the second half of 13th century it was rebuilt and a new Roman palace was erected. It was captured by Jiskra's army in the 15th century. King Matej Korvin donated the castle to the family of Zapolsky and it remained the property of Spis's county until its desolation.

Stary zamok (Banska Stiavnica) - originally it was a Roman church built in the 13th century. It was renovated in the gothic style and new fortifications were built. Its main purpose was to protect town. It had its own castle's captain. In the times of Turkish invasion, it was rebuilt as an anti-Turkish fortress. The original church was than changed into a four-winged castle.

Sokol - the castle was built in the 13th century. In was desolated from 1449 and at present there are only ruins of original tower and palace.

Solnohrad (Presov) - this gothic castle was built after two previous castles were destroyed in 1289-98. The raid of Presov's inhabitants is mentioned in one of the references dating from 1552. It was demolished by Captain of Sarissky castle in 1575. The family of Sos renovated the castle and it was still inhabited in 1620 - 48.

Stary castle (Varin) - original stone castle dates from the early 13th century. The name (Stary castle = Old castle) was given to the castle after the new castle of Strecno was built. It was an important station and guard's castle during the Middle Ages time and until 15th century it was the king's castle. It was conquered by Hus's army in the 15th century. later, it belonged to the family of Pongrac which shortly moved to Krasnany and the castle became desolated.

Strecno (Strečno) - the earliest reference of Strecno castle dates from 14th century. At the end of the 14th century it belonged to the nobleman Sandzilvogius of Silesia and later on, it became the property of the king. Jan Jiskra captured the castle and in 1547 it was owned by Mikulas Kostka. The castle is on the list of National Cultural Monuments of Slovakia.

Stropkovsky castle (Stropkov) - this Middle Ages castle dates from 13th century. It was renovated number of times. In 1711 it was not used at all and later it was rebuilt into the manor house.

Sulov (Sulov - Hradna) - the castle was built in 1470 as a part of defence system against the invasion of Hus's army. The natural rock was used to built this castle. The castle was desolated from 1763.

Sasov (Ziar nad Hronom) - the castle is situated on the steep rock and the first written reference dates from 1253. Together with Reviste castle it kept watch over the river Hron. The central part of the castle consists of gothic palace and the castle's courtyard. It belonged to the archbishop of Ostrihom in the 13th century. The family of Doci owned it at the end of the 15th century. The castle was destroyed in 1677.

Sarissky castle (Velky Saris) - this castle is one of the oldest castles in Slovakia. The earliest reference dates from 1245. In the past, the castle with a square tower, was the centre of the Saris county. In 1441, the county's head was Jan Jiskra. In 1461, it became highwayman's fortress and a seat of Stefan Pereni who robbed businessmen. In 1542 new fortifications were built. In the 16th century, it changed hands again and it was destroyed by fire in 1687.

Samoska (Siatorska Bukovinka) - this small castle dates from 14th century. The palace with a small courtyard was gradually fortified and had two huge circular towers. It was captured by Turks in 1576. After its renovation in the 17th century, the castle was again inhabited and after the victory of the emperon's army it was completely destroyed.

Stitnicky castle (Stitnik) - this castle was built as a water castle by the Bebek family in 1432. In times of Turkish invasion (1559), it became the guard's castle and new fortifications were added in 1580.

Tematin (Hradok) - the earliest reference of this castle in the county of Povazie dates from 13th century. It was a strategic castle in Povazie. Since 15th century it changed hands very often and became a property of Mr Uljaki, Mr Turzo and Mr Bercani. This Middle Ages castle consisted of four-side tower and palace on the upper level and fortifications on the lower level. Before its extinction it was a fortress. During the Rakoci's rebellion the castle was badly damaged and slowly it became a ruin.

Tibava (Podhorod) - the castle was built in the second half of the 13th century. In 1419 it was desolated but later on it was renovated. The castle was pulled down in 1715. Tibava was one of the smallest castles situated in the eastern part of the Slovak Republic.

Topolciansky castle (Podhradie) - the castle was built in the 13th century as a guard's castle. In the 14th century it was rebuilt in the typical gothic style of the Middle Ages. It was a centre of Hus's army in 1431. Its present look dates from 19th century when the castle was renovated in renaissance style.

Trenciansky castle (Trencin) - the castle represented a well-known fortress during Roman era. It was also a seat of the Great Moravian Empire and typical examples of Slavic architecture were found on the upper level of the castle. It was a king's castle in the 12th century and was donated to Matus Cak Trenciansky at the end of 13th century. He commanded almost the whole area of Slovakia from this castle. He also renovated the castle in the gothic style. After his death, the castle was used by king. Emperor Zigmund donated the castle to his wife Barbora in the 15th century. Later on it was owned by Jan Jiskra and in 1476 by Mr Zapolsky. The castle was damaged by fire in 1790.

Turniansky castle (Turna and Bodvou) - the earliest reference dates from 13th century. it was a king's castle until 15th century and later on it was owned by the Bebek family and Jiskra's followers. It was pulled down in the late 17th century.

Uhrovec (Uhrovske Podhradie) - the castle was built in the 13th century. The Roman palace and the castle's chapel are situated in the central part of the castle. The castle belonged to Stibor of Beckov who built fortifications around the castle. After 1562 it was owned by the Zaiovska family. At present it represents a well protected ruin.

Velky Kamenec - the necessity to repair the stone castle and add a tower was mentioned in references dating from 1438. The castle played an important role during the battles in the 15th century. The fortifications were built in 16th and 17th century. The castle was destroyed in 1673.

Viglassky castle (Viglas) - the earliest reference of Viglassky castle dates from 14th century. King Zigmund donated this gothic castle to his wife Barbora in 1424. After the castle's renovation, it was bought by family of Esterhazy in 1690.

Viniansky castle (Vinne) - the castle was built in 13th century. It was renovated in the gothic style in 14th century and became the guard's castle situated near to the business route by the border crossing called Polish gate. The castle was partly fortified in 16th century but the emperor's army set it on fire and demolished the castle in 1594.

Vrsatec (Vrsatske Podhradie) - this gothic castle dates to the early 14th century. Originally, it was the king's castle which was later sold to the Vrsatskovci family. The castle itself was destroyed during Rakoci's wars in 1708.

Zbojnicky castle (Ruska Nova Ves) - the castle was built in 1298 as a guard's castle. Later on it was rebuilt into a gothic stone castle. It was desolated during 18th century.

Zborov - the castle was built around 1320 as a king's castle situated close to the borders. This Middle Age castle had a high square-shaped tower, palace and small courtyard and was rebuilt into fortress in 16th century. It belonged to the family of Cudarovci in 15th century, later on it was owned by Mr Gaspar Seredy and the family of Rakoci took ownership in 1601. The fire destroyed the castle in the late 17th century.

Zvolensky castle (Zvolen) - the castle was built in the 14th century as a king's castle as well as hunter's lodge. It was the main seat of Jiskra's army in 15th century and remained the king's property until 18th century when it was donated to the family of Esterhazy. It has some typical features of Italian architecture.

Zniev (Klastor pod Znievom) - the first reference of this king's castle dates from 1243. It was captured by Jiskra's army in 15th century and later owned by Mr Zapolsky. Today only the ruins of this castle remain.

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