Sunday, 09 February 2025
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Attraction highlighting: Church and chapel of St.John Nepomucký

flag Village Medzibrod is situated to the east of Banská Bystrica on the right bank of the Hron river 390m above sea level. Territory of village is extended on both banks of the Hron. Terrier of village - 1 708ha. There live 1 325 inhabitants.

view of village Medzibrod

The first written information about village is from the year 1455 where name of village is mentioned as Megywbrodye.
Village belonged to the Ľupča county in this time. Inhabitants delt in addition to agriculture with production of knives and were very famous as raisers of hunt falcons for the Ľupča county. Later they were famous as peddlers - makers of lace.
In the terrier of village gold and iron ore were being mined and to the year 1946 antimony.

Points of interest, remarkables and rarities

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To the monuments of village belongs the Church from 1791 consecrated to patron of village to St John Nepomucký.

Church of St.John Nepomucký

Two houses are preserved in the village which represent the original folk architecture. Typical example is the House "U Zvonicov" where our village plans to establish a commemorative room.

Capacity of accomodation is limited. These services - accomodation and catering - offer a recreational boarding-house "Hubert" - Cottage pod Sokolom and a restaurant - "Klub u raka".

Chapel of St.John Nepomucký

There is a sports area with football and tennis playgrounds and a swimming pool. Supporters of winter sports use the Bánik ski centre with a skilift of 700m long.

In the terrier of village is located the nature reserve Mačková of extension 42,23ha. It is a typical picture of beech and cedar trees on the lime-stone basis. Whole locality is characterized by a rich occurence of protected and rare kinds of plants.
In valley of the Vyvieranica brook is a very interesting nature phenomenon. It is a spring which flows out of the ground and with all its strenght goes into the brook of the same name.

Translation: Hošková
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