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(The Small Karpaty)

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New ski paths above Raca for those who like ski running

Four new ski paths were built in the area of Raca by KST Zelezniciar Bratislava. They accompany the old track leading from Pezinska Baba to Raca. The new paths are:
  • "green ski path" - 9 km long
    Raca - Haluzicky pomnik - Senkarka - Himligarka (cottage) - Cerveny kriz - Slalomka - Raca
  • "blue ski path" - 12.5 km long
    Raca - Haluzicky pomnik - Senkarka - Biely kriz - Bozia muka - Vydrica (stream) - Cerveny kriz - Slalomka - Raca
  • "yellow ski path" - 6.5 km long
    Raca - Haluzicky pomnik - Senkarka - Himligarka - Slalomka - Raca
  • "black ski path" - 3.5 km long
    around Senkarka

Each of these paths is moderatly exacting, the last one is the shortest.

The starting point for blue, green and yellow path is parking space in Raca, Potocna Street where the bus stop is situated. The path then follows to Haluzicky pomnik (Haluzicky memorial). It continues through a flat path to a small meadow under Piesky hill. That is the point where paths are spliting up.

Blue path continues right towards Senkarka where it joints with the black path. It follows to Biely kriz, around the lake of Vydrica to the chapel of Bozia muka where we turn left to the Cerveny kriz. Following the path we get to Slalomka and finally to the starting station in Raca.

Green and yellow path is spliting up from the blue path on the meadow under the Piesky hill. Both paths go to Senkarka and Himligarka cottage. On the crossroad, the yellow path turns left and leads to the starting station. The green path follows around the well and joins blue path. It follows to Cerveny kriz and get you to Raca.

map of paths

Article from magazine "Krasy Slovenska", 1-2/2000, page 10 - 11.
Map of Jozef Kollar used with his kind permision.

Translation: A.Bendíková

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