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Pieniny - Dunajec

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Association of raftsmen "Dunajec" with seat in Majere
offers you floating rafts along the Dunajec river on a route
Majere-Lesnica 2km long.

Pieniny - floating rafts along the Dunajec river

Our harbour is situated in the northern part of the East Slovakia in a beautiful environment of the Pieniny National Park. We provide to float wooden rafts along the Dunajec through a nice natural creation of breach of the Dunajec.
Floating beginns behind Majere in direction of Červený Kláštor. We can provide a picnic with Goral´s music at the "Pieniny" cottage in Lesnica.

Campaign beginns on 15th April and ends on 30th October.

In Slovakia, you can float only along the Dunajec river.

Price of tickets: 200,- Sk
150,- Sk
Children under 12 years:100,- Sk
Fee allowance: group excursions, guides have no journey-money in the afternoon

We are looking forward to your visit in the most beautiful part of Slovakia - in Zamagurie and in the Pieniny, and we will offer you an unforgettable experience at floating our rafts.

CONTACT:Rudolf Velička, 061 01 Majere 34
PHONE:+421/964/2723, 2840, 2716, 2013


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