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The Súľov hills

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Horné Považie (The Upper Považie) - The Súľov hills on cross-country skis

A starting point Považská Bystrica, 27km circle on cross-country skis in duration of about 7,5 hours and back to Považská Bystrica.

CLICK - for bigger map ! By bus from Považská Bystrica to the village Bodiná. From this point at upper part of village by way where wood was carried down, we move up to the saddle below Boriny by not marked tourist path. We leave this way and through meadows by wide curves above village Hradná to the saddle Pastúch. We will always continue by this not marked tourist path through forest to the north-east and after some kilometres we leave the forest. Through meadows we will go to Babkov or past Babkov to Podhorie. From this point leading by blue tourist mark by field path, then through forest we move up to Roháčske saddle.
Now it is necessary to put off our cross-country skis and we go down through rock ravine two or three curves to grit (coarse-grained sandstone) rocks in beech forest. We are at the border of the Súľovské rocks. We put on our cross-country skis and then we come to the village Súľov. From this point we have two possibilities - by red or green marks of tourist paths to the village Vrchteplá. In these directions we move up to the saddles above the village. The final descend to Vrchteplá leads through meadows and by field path. By bus back to Považská Bystrica.

Information agency Považská Bystrica
Phone: ++421/822/16 186, ++421/822/4326545

We make this public after agreement with magazine Krásy Slovenska (1-2/2000), Page 6

Translation: Hošková

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