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Central European countries Attractions

Unikátny nález ľudského jedinca s dieťaťom z obdobia treťohôr (1 milión rokov p.n.l.):
A unique discovery of a human being -  child from the Tertiary period (1,000,000 years b.c.)

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Českí bratia na Slovensku:
Location near Moravia influenced the presence of the Czech brothers who were coming here in order to avoid the pursuit of Protestants in Bohemia and they established their church congregation. Jan Amos Komenský was in contact with them and there is evidence that he also visited this village. He and his friend- priest Ján Drábik have the memorial tablet under the castle of Lednice. Mikuláš Drábik was condemned and executed for revolt against Habsburgs at the age of 83.

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Veľkomoravská ríša:
Nitra became a center of European importance, especially in the 9th century, mainly in connection with the missionary activity of the Thessalonian brothers, St. Constantine and St. Methodius.

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V rokoch 1730-1861 sa v chotári obce realizovali pokusy o ťažbu zlata:
In the years 1730-1861 some unsuccessful attempts of gold mining were carried out in the present territory of village. But they ended by creating an public company for clay mining used for producing tiles. In those times the present-day name of village was fixed. Later at the beginning of the 20th century the mining continued with mining of antimony (mining was stopped during the Second World War).

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Zlatá Baňa

Prežila Veľkú Moravu:
The oldest written record comes from 1206. It is one of few villages being settled since times of Great Moravia up to these days. Its name was mentioned for the first time in 1206 as Jablam Terra, in 1231 as Hablan villa. Such names were typical especially for mountain crossings and roads heading to borders. Wild apple trees had in 11th and 12th century defensive function. They were used as barriers against enemy because they had firm wood and thorn branches. At first Jablonové belonged to count Alexander and his sons, later to mayor of Bratislava Jakub. The last owner was the Pálffy family. The village faced Thököly uprising, invasion of Turks in Vienna, burning by imperial soldiers twice and three cholera attacks (cholera cemetery exists up to now). Today Jablonové is a booming village with good infrastructure.

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Obec Malčice - známa archeologická lokalita:
Malčice known archaeological site (Paleolithic, Neolithic, Bronze Age and the latent age). Archaeological, linguistic and written documents led to the recognition that there is a village Malčice from the Great Moravian period and one of the oldest in the area.

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Mestská pamiatková rezervácia Bardejova:
Historical Gothic municipal core is signed into the list of world’s cultural and natural heritage of UNESCO. It is formed by several buldigs and fortification system with bastions. Above all it is a Rennaisance town hall from 1505-1509, which had been the seat of the municipal council, but also the centre of business, social and cultural life of the inhabitants.

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Suburbium - areál židovských stavieb v Bardejove:
West from the centre spreads an urbanistic complex built in the 18th century according to the Talmudic instructions. Suburbium together with the historical, unicipal core were signed into the world’s cultural and natural heritage of UNESCO.

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